Friday, September 11, 2009

Email response to Diane Dimond.


Thank you for your email. It is with utter shock that I read that you still believe that Michael was a child molester.  I was led to believe that you had changed your mind about this.

Anyone who actually knew Michael would know that he was innocent of all charges and did not have the capabililty of molesting children. The fact that he has been acquitted in the US Law Courts shows that there is no legal case against Michael Jackson. He is an innocent man.

Speaking to you has made me the victim of vicious, lies, rumours and speculation. As upsetting as it is, it is nothing compared to what Michael suffered. I really do believe that there are people that are spiteful and wicked out their willing to cry, shout, scream and make false testimonies in order to destroy someone else’s character. Yes, you may have seen many male children crying and jurors regretting their decision, but it does not mean that Michael Jackson molested anyone.

In my case, someone went to the extent of trying and succeeded to register me on USA White Pages in order to prove/show that I live in USA. I don’t live in the USA and never have. Rumours are now being spread around that I lied about being from the UK. You see how that could look to the innocent bystander??

I would never put my head on the line and make an assertion unless I was 100% sure. I am a scientist after all!! I knew Michael and I know that he was no child molester and I would even go as far as saying that he wouldn’t even understand what child molesters do because he was so innocent to such wicked things.

You are entitled to your opinion, as we all are, but in the wake of his death and to show sensitivity to his family and friends, is it necessary to make these old allegations resurface?

Diane, I cannot change your mind, but what I would ask is for you to please be sensitive to us who are living day to day trying to cope with our loss. No matter what you thought of him, he had those that loved and cared about him.

Susan Etok


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